It's been about 5 weeks since I started my prep for London 2013. I took a complete week of downtime to let my body heal and by day 3 I was itching to get back on the road. By the time I hit day 7 it was time to get back out there. I've spent the last 5 weeks in a run/bike focus in an effort to raise my FTP and to bring my running pace down. Which seems to be working so far. In addition I'm also focusing on losing the extra weight that I have been carrying around before I get into my heavy training for the season this year so I can make sure I am eating enough to recover from the tough sessions I am going to endure. I've also decided to try and become what I am going to call a gluten minimalist. I have dropped gluten out of my diet for the most part and I actively am searching for gluten free on labels when I purchase foods. So far it has helped kept my energy levels stable and assisted in me dropping 7.4 lbs and 2.4% body fat (according to my Tanita) in the last 5 weeks, with almost zero change to the rest of my diet. I also feel that my recovery has been somewhat better, but that could also be due to the fact that my training load at the moment is a lot lighter than it has been. I've also dropped my 5k race time about 2 min as well as extending my 20 min power out to 40 mins( these aren't really that significant as its more of bringing my fitness back in line to where it was) I've got another 8 weeks to see if I can drop another 6.6 lbs and be get to my goal weight of 170 lbs by Jan 1. So far I'm right on track and couldn't be happier with my progress. I even won my first race in the process! I'll be updating my progress every 4 weeks or so until the big day!   Summary Stats Weight on 9/24 184 Lbs 12% body fat (start of "off-season" break and gluten free eating) Weight on 11/5 176.6 lbs 9.6% body fat 20 min Power on 10/2- 295 watts (have not re-tested since) 3.55 watt/KG 5k time 9/30- 20:18 5k Time 10/28-18:05  


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