Series Collections > Joe Friel and Wes Hobson - Science of Triathlon

Joe Friel and Wes Hobson - Science of Triathlon

Triathlon coaching legend Joe Friel and former elite and coach Wes Hobson cover a wealth of information in this incredible lecture series.  USAT certified coaches can earn up to 8 CEU. Click here to purchase the exam

Science of Triathlon: Weekly Planning for Endurance Sports

Science of Triathlon: Weekly Planning for Endurance Sports - A presentation on Weekly Planning in Endurance Sports by Joe Friel. Part of the Science of Triathlon video series. Topics include: Training Triad, Overview of the training year - General becomes specific, Mesocycle: Classic 28-Day, Mesocycle: 14-7 Platform, Mesocycle: 16-5 Platform, Weekly Hard-Easy Patterns, Practical example - Building a weekly plan
Weekly Planning for Endurance Sports [1 of 4]
Weekly Planning for Endurance Sports [2 of 4]
Weekly Planning for Endurance Sports [3 of 4]
Weekly Planning for Endurance Sports [4 of 4]