Video Description

Works on control and focus by manipulating breaths by intervals as well as duration of inhalation and exhalation


Coach/Presenter: Sage Rountree

Playlist Description

Athlete's Guide to Yoga - STRENGTH ROUTINE

Build organic, functional strength in balance poses and sun salutations; increase core stability

Coach Spotlight: Sage Rountree

Sage Rountree is an internationally recognized authority in yoga for athletes and an endurance sports coach specializing in athletic recovery. Sage is the author of five books, including The Athlete's Guide to Yoga and Racing Wisely. Her goal is to help people find the right balance between work and rest for peak performance in sports and in life. With over a decade's experience teaching yoga, Sage is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher at the highest level (E-RYT 500) with the Yoga Alliance . Her nationwide workshops include weekends on yoga for athletes; trainings for yoga teachers on working with athletes; and running and yoga retreats. Her students include casual athletes, Olympians, NBA and NFL players, and many University of North Carolina athletes and coaches. he holds coaching certifications from USA Triathlon and the Road Runners Club of America, and she writes for publications including Runner's World, Yoga Journal, and USA Triathlon Magazine.

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Also in Playlist "Athlete's Guide to Yoga - STRENGTH ROUTINE"

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Centering

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Breath in Time

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Half Salutes with Lunges

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Standing Balance Flow

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Arm Balance

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Sun Salutations

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Dynamic Core

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Pigeon Pose Flow

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Corpse Pose

Athlete's Guide to Yoga: Closing


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