Video Description

A great overall strength and control exercise that will improve conditioning. From standing drop to the floor with hands fitmly on floor. Jump feet back to a push up position with hips no lower than chest. Jump feet back in toward hands, jump up from that position and reach hands to air to complete exercise.


Coach/Presenter: Proformance Fitness

Playlist Description

PF Metabolic - Conditioning Phase 1

This workout is perfect for the beginning of a training program to build great endurance, or during heavy distance training as a cross training workout. It involves the whole body a hits areas of the body that might be over looked during other forms of distance training. Workout progression and reps: Progress through Foam Rolling exercises (1-6) as prescribed by the videos
All remaining exercises (7-18) are on timed intervals.
• Perform exercise for 30 seconds, 5 seconds rest, then move on to next exercise. 
• REPEAT circuit once.
• Stretch
Note: Do as many reps as you can in the 30 seconds WITHOUT COMPROMISING your form. If your form breaks down, slow down and build your endurance for the exercise 

Also in Playlist "PF Metabolic - Conditioning Phase 1"

PF Lat Foam Rolling

PF Upper Back Foam Rolling

PF Piriformis/Glutes Foam Rolling

PF Hamstring Foam Rolling

PF Quad Foam Rolling

PF Band Pull-Aparts

PF Curl Jacks

PF Burpees

PF Plank Reaches

PF Bicycle Crunches

PF In & Out Push Ups

PF Plank

PF Reverse Lunge

PF Band Upright Rows

PF Band Bent Over Rows

PF Dumbbell Biceps Curls


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